We are the experts. And we are here to help.
Replacing a vital component of your network, such as your DNS, may be daunting. But, you will benefit from our experience with migrations from a wide range of other DNS platforms for a safe and validated transition. PowerDNS has successfully performed migrations from all kinds of legacy and alternative DNS solutions, and we have developed a set of steps that delivers a fully safe and validated transition:

Suggest hardware and operating system configuration for your new PowerDNS deployment

Multi-million BT user migration
Migrating millions of users from the incumbent solution to PowerDNS without any impact on their experience.
Safety-First Approach to Migration
With an iterative approach customers can use DNSdist in front of their legacy DNS for a seamless migration. DNSdist allows to run both legacy DNS and PowerDNS platforms in parallel for validation of the new setup and migrates small amounts of traffic first.
Trust our experience gained from migrating millions of users from legacy solutions to PowerDNS without any impact on their experience

Contact us to learn more about our support and services.